
Increasing Employee Engagement with Gamification

Gamification is not a new concept, but it has become a more popular trend recently. There have been articles published on Forbes and Huffington Post discussing the use of gamification in the workplace. The use of gamification is becoming a part of corporate culture...

Creating Engaging Online Training

There are a myriad of online training learning management systems (LMS) with a variety of features and tools. It is important to assess your needs and conduct research during the selection process. However, the hardest part is developing engaging content. The article,...

Are Badges Useful for Professors Too?

According to The Chronicle of Higher Education, colleges are offering badges to incentivize professors to participate in (and complete) professional-development workshops: digital badges. Jeffrey R. Young writes: “The idea of offering badges has become popular in...

Online Learning Report: The Last of the Skeptics Capitulate

In an article on the Chronicle of Higher Education, Steve Kolowich divulged that finally, after years of skepticism, higher education’s elite academic institutions have decided that 1) online learning is here to stay and 2) it might not be so bad after all and 3) it’s...