
Edvance360 LMS has released Version 8.1.3 and if you are on Version 8, these changes are either already showing or available for selection.

Next up: Survey Tool Updates and Reset Survey Feature.

Edvance360 Version 8.1.3 Feature Update: Survey Tool Updates & Reset Survey Feature

Within the updated SURVEY tool (available via any Course or Community via the Settings tab), Edvance360 has applied the following updates to the management, view and sorting of questions.

  • Update: Survey Tool Changes – Edvance360 has implemented main listing for all questions along with their question types within the Survey ‘Manage’ (gear icon) feature. There is also some added pagination as it was needed to display the questions in manageable view and with ability to save user input data on any page  change. In order to decrease the overall complexity of question management, Edvance360 has added the question type value in the column and applied sorting to the new list view as well. 

Updates have also been applied to a Learner’s progress report within any Survey, which now allow Admins to RESET that progress via a new RESET feature.

  • Update: Reset Survey Option – New feature added for the ability to reset a learner’s response to the survey tool within Courses & Communities. On the participation page, a new column has been added which allows Admins and Course Facilitators the ability reset the survey so a Learner may take it again, much like the Testing tool. 

See screenshot below. 

Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 11.58.47 AM

For more information on Version 8.1.3, visit our info page, access the release notes, or register for our upcoming webinar. If you’re on Version 7 or an earlier version, and would like to move to Version 8, submit a help ticket and access our V8 info page. If you are new to Edvance360, request a free trial of our award-winning software today!